Saturday, August 31, 2019

Midterm Exam

What went wrong with Saturn? Answer Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of return. Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of Question 3 Economic profit is defined as the difference between revenue and . Answer total economic cost Question 4 The primary objective of a for-profit firm is to maximize shareholder value Which of the following will increase (VOW), the shareholder wealth minimization model of the firm: VOW(shares outstanding) = Met=l (n t)/ (l+eke)t + Real Option Value.Answer Decrease the required rate of return (eke). Question 6 O out of 4 points The moral hazard in team production arises from lack of proper assignment of individual tasks a conflict between tactically best interest and one's duty Question 7 will be projects with Answer high risk Question 8 The approximate probability of a value occurring that is greater than one standard deviation from the mean is approximately (assuming a normal distribution) Answer 15. 7% Question 9 coefficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Correct Answer: efficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Question 10 The level of an economic activity should be increased to the point where the zero.Answer net marginal benefit Question 1 1 is A change in the level of an economic activity is desirable and should be undertaken as long as the marginal benefits exceed the marginal costs Question 12 The standard deviation is appropriate to compare the risk between two investments only if Answer the expected returns from the investments are approximately equal Correct Answer: the expected returns from the investments are approximately equalQuestion 13 Songwriters and composers press music companies to lower the price for music downloads because Answer songwriter royalties are a percentage of sales revenue Question 14 The factor(s) which cause(s) a movement along the demand curve include(s): Answer decrease in price of t he good demanded Question 15 Those goods having a calculated income elasticity that is negative are called: Answer inferior goods An increase in each of the following factors would normally provide a subsequent increase in quantity demanded, except: Answer level of competitor advertisingQuestion 17 Which of the following would tend to make demand INELASTIC? No one really wants the product at all the proportion of the budget spent on the item is very small When demand is a percentage change in is exactly offset by the same percentage change in demanded, the net result being a constant total consumer expenditure.Answer unit elastic; price; quantity Question 19 Auto dealers slash prices at the end of the model year in response to deficient demand/excess inventory but restaurants facing the same problem slash production because Answer rice elasticity of supply in autos is smaller than the absolute value of price elasticity of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants Correct Answer : of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants In regression analysis, the existence of a significant pattern in successive values of the error term constitutes: Answer autocorrelation Question 21 In regression analysis, the existence of a high degree of intercalation among some or all of the explanatory variables in the regression equation constitutes. Midterm Exam What went wrong with Saturn? Answer Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of return. Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of Question 3 Economic profit is defined as the difference between revenue and . Answer total economic cost Question 4 The primary objective of a for-profit firm is to maximize shareholder value Which of the following will increase (VOW), the shareholder wealth minimization model of the firm: VOW(shares outstanding) = Met=l (n t)/ (l+eke)t + Real Option Value.Answer Decrease the required rate of return (eke). Question 6 O out of 4 points The moral hazard in team production arises from lack of proper assignment of individual tasks a conflict between tactically best interest and one's duty Question 7 will be projects with Answer high risk Question 8 The approximate probability of a value occurring that is greater than one standard deviation from the mean is approximately (assuming a normal distribution) Answer 15. 7% Question 9 coefficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Correct Answer: efficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Question 10 The level of an economic activity should be increased to the point where the zero.Answer net marginal benefit Question 1 1 is A change in the level of an economic activity is desirable and should be undertaken as long as the marginal benefits exceed the marginal costs Question 12 The standard deviation is appropriate to compare the risk between two investments only if Answer the expected returns from the investments are approximately equal Correct Answer: the expected returns from the investments are approximately equalQuestion 13 Songwriters and composers press music companies to lower the price for music downloads because Answer songwriter royalties are a percentage of sales revenue Question 14 The factor(s) which cause(s) a movement along the demand curve include(s): Answer decrease in price of t he good demanded Question 15 Those goods having a calculated income elasticity that is negative are called: Answer inferior goods An increase in each of the following factors would normally provide a subsequent increase in quantity demanded, except: Answer level of competitor advertisingQuestion 17 Which of the following would tend to make demand INELASTIC? No one really wants the product at all the proportion of the budget spent on the item is very small When demand is a percentage change in is exactly offset by the same percentage change in demanded, the net result being a constant total consumer expenditure.Answer unit elastic; price; quantity Question 19 Auto dealers slash prices at the end of the model year in response to deficient demand/excess inventory but restaurants facing the same problem slash production because Answer rice elasticity of supply in autos is smaller than the absolute value of price elasticity of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants Correct Answer : of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants In regression analysis, the existence of a significant pattern in successive values of the error term constitutes: Answer autocorrelation Question 21 In regression analysis, the existence of a high degree of intercalation among some or all of the explanatory variables in the regression equation constitutes. Midterm Exam For humans it is the potential for long-term maintenance of well-being, which in turn depends on the maintenance of the natural world and natural resources. As the earth's human population has increased, natural ecosystems have declined and changes in the balance of trial cycles have had a negative impact on both humans and other living systems.Paul Hawked provides 1 2 steps towards a sustainable society. First, Hawked argues that state and national governments should reclaim their power to regulate corporations by rewriting and renewing current corporate charters. Second, Hawked agrees that companies and consumers should be forced to include all the environmental and social costs in making, producing, using, and disposing of products in the cost of goods. Third, we should tax the amount of non-renewable resources, the amount of fossil eels, the amount of waste, and the amount of environment destroyed or abused.Fourth, Hawked says that governments should lease companies the right to use and control certain resources such as fisheries, forests. By making these companies' profits dependent on how productive these resources are, they will have a real incentive to protect and even restore these environments to health. Fifth, companies would compete to create industrial design processes in which they greatly reduce their waste. Instead of depending on polluting the environment with their wastes, companies should figure out owe to reduce wastes and actually make them a source of profits.Sixth, consumers would lease the right to use products such as us or cars from companies and the companies are responsible for recycling and disposing of those products when the consumer is done using them. Seventh, here Hawked encourages consumers and citizens to put pressure on their politicians and governments to create and enforce strict environmental, health, and social standards. Eighth, Hawked argues that local, state, and national governments must once again be active overseer s and regulators of corporations and businesses.Currently corporations argue that governments should not interfere in business and disrupt the magic of free enterprise and the market. Ninth, people need to be taught to understand and consider the larger environmental and social impacts of their actions. Fifth public better understand the environmental risks and benefits of their actions, they would have real incentives to take actions that would protect the environment, their health, and the well-being of their society. Tenth, Hawked tells that we need to do local, state, national, and global surveys of the environment and the impact Of our activities on nature.Eleventh, Hawked thinks that environmentalists will only successfully win the support of the poor and Third World peoples if they convince them that such environmental and economic reforms will improve their health and standards of living. Twelfth, Hawked concludes that these economic and environmental reforms cannot be solel y based on economic incentives and profits. These reforms must also be focused on the individual, social, cultural, environmental, and religious benefits of protecting and restoring the environment.Ways of living more sustainable can take many forms. Green building, sustainable agriculture, or sustainable architecture, or using science to develop new technologies, green technologies, renewable energy, to adjustments in individual lifestyles that conserve natural resources. 2. Explain Andrew Dobbin's notion of â€Å"Ecological Citizenship. † Start out with a relevant quote from Dobbin's essay and proceed to explain the terms involved and the overall significance of this notion. Citizenship is being a part of the society.Ecological citizenship is the state, character or behavior of a person viewed as a member of the ecosystem with attendant rights and responsibilities, especially the responsibility to maintain ecological integrity and the right to exist in a healthy environment . From the reading, † Ecological citizenship deals in the currency of non-contractual responsibility, it inhabits the private as well as the public sphere, it refers to the source rather than the nature of responsibility to determine what count as citizenship virtues, it works with the language of virtue, and it is explicitly non-territorial. (89) However, ecological citizenship, like ecologist, moves in radically new directions. As a means to address global unsuitability, citizenship must exist in an entirely different non-territorial political space, and the space in which a redefined citizenship can be located is our individual ecological footprint. In other words, ecological citizenship is an essential prerequisite of a sustainable society. â€Å"The PRI uncial ecological citizenship obligation is ensure that ecological footprint makes a sustainable, rather than an unsustainable, impact. (1 1 8) Ecological citizenship is presented as an example and inflection of post-cosm opolitan citizenship. It is contrasted with environmental citizenship. The idea of ecological footprint is a composite measure, which informs sustainable development, ecological economics and urban studies. It is quickly becoming a very practical tool for measuring human impact on the Earth's resource base. The ecological footprint is presented as the ecological citizenship, it is used to cause and effect that call forth post-cosmopolitan obligations. . Michael Mandates criticizes the practice of â€Å"individualizing responsibility. † Explain what does that mean. Michael Mandates mentioned in his article, † My claim in this chapter is that an accelerating individualizing of responsibility in the United States is narrowing, in dangerous ways, our â€Å"environmental imagination† and undermining our capacity to react effectively to environmental threats to human wellbeing. Those troubled by overcompensation, consumerism, and communication should not and cannot ign ore this narrowing.Confronting the individualizing of responsibility patently undermines. â€Å"(374) The result is to narrow our collective ability to imagine and pursue a variety of productive responses to the environmental problems before us. When responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions, the nature and exercise of political power, or ways of collectively changing the district option of power and influence in society. Many people think that environmental problems are for other people or the government to do something about.But, the environmental issues impact on the quality of life of each and individuals of us, as well as all future generations. Many people also question, â€Å"What difference can I make? † The answer to this is critical: it is the combined impact of everyone's activities which will make a preference, just as democracy only works if enough people take the time and effort to cast their indivi dual votes, which lead to what the majority desire. If everyone takes care of their immediate surroundings and minimizes their own individual resource use, then together these actions will make a difference. . What are the principles Of thought practiced by CEO-Feminism according to Ecological feminism is based on the premise that there Karen J. Warren? Exists a connection between the domination of women the neglect and exploitation of the natural world. According to Karen J. Warren, she gives us a new way of looking and understanding things. She claims that an oppressive conceptual framework is the set of values and attitudes that shape the way in which we look at the world. There exists a characteristic in our oppressive conceptual framework, which is called the logic of domination.Warren's issue isn't so much that this sort of system is used in the framework, but the way in which it is used that ultimately make women inferior. Her point is that this very same framework, which lea ds to the logic of domination, is also used to oppress the natural world. It is a feminism that critiques male bias wherever it occurs in ethics (including environmental ethics) and alms at providing an ethic (including an environmental ethic), which is not male biased-and it does so in a way that satisfies the preliminary boundary conditions of a feminist ethic. (11) Based on her idea, this framework identifies women with nature. Since nature is deemed inferior to man, then women alike are deemed inferior since they are parallel to nature. In conclusion, in order to abolish both the oppression of women and nature this conceptual framework must e abolished. At the end of the chapter she said, â€Å"A re-conceiving and re- visioning of both feminism and environmental ethics, is, I think, the power and promise of coefficients. â€Å"(1 5) Coefficients combines the philosophy of feminism with the principles of ecology and environmental ethics.Coefficients generally claims that the pa triarchal structures of our society are what cause environmental degradation. 6. What is, according to Hans Jonas, the categorical imperative, I. E. The absolute commandment, of our age? Is this an anthropocentric view? Discuss and explain. The main idea of this reading is shown at the beginning, † Care for the future of mankind is the overruling duty of collective human action in the age of a technical civilization that has become ‘almighty,' if not in its productive then at least in its destructive potential. (77) There's a major impact on the environment in the distant future. We are on the verge of population explosion. While the population has reached a record high, the resources to meet the increasing population have not increased in the same ratio. On the contrary, we are destroying the limited resources at a rapid peed, and very soon we would have used up all the non-renewable resources totally.Unless we take concrete preventive steps in this direction, the incid ences and the impact of these disasters would only multiply and would seriously affect the lifestyle and standard of living of future generations. It's time for actions. ‘ ‘The further observation that in whatever time is left the corrections will become more and more difficult and the freedom to make them more and more restricted. This heightens the duty to that vigilance Over the beginnings which grants priority to well-?grounded ears over against hopes, even if no less well grounded. (91) We are in the present generation are forewarned about the imminent damage we have been inflicting on our environment and our own health. Future generations will have to bear the dire consequences by the environmental devastation. Such damage poses long-lasting threats that affect the health and wellbeing of future generations. It is about time that we gave thoughtful consideration to protect future generations. It is about time that we rise and speak for the interests of future gener ations, so that they are able to live on a healthy planet. Midterm Exam For humans it is the potential for long-term maintenance of well-being, which in turn depends on the maintenance of the natural world and natural resources. As the earth's human population has increased, natural ecosystems have declined and changes in the balance of trial cycles have had a negative impact on both humans and other living systems.Paul Hawked provides 1 2 steps towards a sustainable society. First, Hawked argues that state and national governments should reclaim their power to regulate corporations by rewriting and renewing current corporate charters. Second, Hawked agrees that companies and consumers should be forced to include all the environmental and social costs in making, producing, using, and disposing of products in the cost of goods. Third, we should tax the amount of non-renewable resources, the amount of fossil eels, the amount of waste, and the amount of environment destroyed or abused.Fourth, Hawked says that governments should lease companies the right to use and control certain resources such as fisheries, forests. By making these companies' profits dependent on how productive these resources are, they will have a real incentive to protect and even restore these environments to health. Fifth, companies would compete to create industrial design processes in which they greatly reduce their waste. Instead of depending on polluting the environment with their wastes, companies should figure out owe to reduce wastes and actually make them a source of profits.Sixth, consumers would lease the right to use products such as us or cars from companies and the companies are responsible for recycling and disposing of those products when the consumer is done using them. Seventh, here Hawked encourages consumers and citizens to put pressure on their politicians and governments to create and enforce strict environmental, health, and social standards. Eighth, Hawked argues that local, state, and national governments must once again be active overseer s and regulators of corporations and businesses.Currently corporations argue that governments should not interfere in business and disrupt the magic of free enterprise and the market. Ninth, people need to be taught to understand and consider the larger environmental and social impacts of their actions. Fifth public better understand the environmental risks and benefits of their actions, they would have real incentives to take actions that would protect the environment, their health, and the well-being of their society. Tenth, Hawked tells that we need to do local, state, national, and global surveys of the environment and the impact Of our activities on nature.Eleventh, Hawked thinks that environmentalists will only successfully win the support of the poor and Third World peoples if they convince them that such environmental and economic reforms will improve their health and standards of living. Twelfth, Hawked concludes that these economic and environmental reforms cannot be solel y based on economic incentives and profits. These reforms must also be focused on the individual, social, cultural, environmental, and religious benefits of protecting and restoring the environment.Ways of living more sustainable can take many forms. Green building, sustainable agriculture, or sustainable architecture, or using science to develop new technologies, green technologies, renewable energy, to adjustments in individual lifestyles that conserve natural resources. 2. Explain Andrew Dobbin's notion of â€Å"Ecological Citizenship. † Start out with a relevant quote from Dobbin's essay and proceed to explain the terms involved and the overall significance of this notion. Citizenship is being a part of the society.Ecological citizenship is the state, character or behavior of a person viewed as a member of the ecosystem with attendant rights and responsibilities, especially the responsibility to maintain ecological integrity and the right to exist in a healthy environment . From the reading, † Ecological citizenship deals in the currency of non-contractual responsibility, it inhabits the private as well as the public sphere, it refers to the source rather than the nature of responsibility to determine what count as citizenship virtues, it works with the language of virtue, and it is explicitly non-territorial. (89) However, ecological citizenship, like ecologist, moves in radically new directions. As a means to address global unsuitability, citizenship must exist in an entirely different non-territorial political space, and the space in which a redefined citizenship can be located is our individual ecological footprint. In other words, ecological citizenship is an essential prerequisite of a sustainable society. â€Å"The PRI uncial ecological citizenship obligation is ensure that ecological footprint makes a sustainable, rather than an unsustainable, impact. (1 1 8) Ecological citizenship is presented as an example and inflection of post-cosm opolitan citizenship. It is contrasted with environmental citizenship. The idea of ecological footprint is a composite measure, which informs sustainable development, ecological economics and urban studies. It is quickly becoming a very practical tool for measuring human impact on the Earth's resource base. The ecological footprint is presented as the ecological citizenship, it is used to cause and effect that call forth post-cosmopolitan obligations. . Michael Mandates criticizes the practice of â€Å"individualizing responsibility. † Explain what does that mean. Michael Mandates mentioned in his article, † My claim in this chapter is that an accelerating individualizing of responsibility in the United States is narrowing, in dangerous ways, our â€Å"environmental imagination† and undermining our capacity to react effectively to environmental threats to human wellbeing. Those troubled by overcompensation, consumerism, and communication should not and cannot ign ore this narrowing.Confronting the individualizing of responsibility patently undermines. â€Å"(374) The result is to narrow our collective ability to imagine and pursue a variety of productive responses to the environmental problems before us. When responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions, the nature and exercise of political power, or ways of collectively changing the district option of power and influence in society. Many people think that environmental problems are for other people or the government to do something about.But, the environmental issues impact on the quality of life of each and individuals of us, as well as all future generations. Many people also question, â€Å"What difference can I make? † The answer to this is critical: it is the combined impact of everyone's activities which will make a preference, just as democracy only works if enough people take the time and effort to cast their indivi dual votes, which lead to what the majority desire. If everyone takes care of their immediate surroundings and minimizes their own individual resource use, then together these actions will make a difference. . What are the principles Of thought practiced by CEO-Feminism according to Ecological feminism is based on the premise that there Karen J. Warren? Exists a connection between the domination of women the neglect and exploitation of the natural world. According to Karen J. Warren, she gives us a new way of looking and understanding things. She claims that an oppressive conceptual framework is the set of values and attitudes that shape the way in which we look at the world. There exists a characteristic in our oppressive conceptual framework, which is called the logic of domination.Warren's issue isn't so much that this sort of system is used in the framework, but the way in which it is used that ultimately make women inferior. Her point is that this very same framework, which lea ds to the logic of domination, is also used to oppress the natural world. It is a feminism that critiques male bias wherever it occurs in ethics (including environmental ethics) and alms at providing an ethic (including an environmental ethic), which is not male biased-and it does so in a way that satisfies the preliminary boundary conditions of a feminist ethic. (11) Based on her idea, this framework identifies women with nature. Since nature is deemed inferior to man, then women alike are deemed inferior since they are parallel to nature. In conclusion, in order to abolish both the oppression of women and nature this conceptual framework must e abolished. At the end of the chapter she said, â€Å"A re-conceiving and re- visioning of both feminism and environmental ethics, is, I think, the power and promise of coefficients. â€Å"(1 5) Coefficients combines the philosophy of feminism with the principles of ecology and environmental ethics.Coefficients generally claims that the pa triarchal structures of our society are what cause environmental degradation. 6. What is, according to Hans Jonas, the categorical imperative, I. E. The absolute commandment, of our age? Is this an anthropocentric view? Discuss and explain. The main idea of this reading is shown at the beginning, † Care for the future of mankind is the overruling duty of collective human action in the age of a technical civilization that has become ‘almighty,' if not in its productive then at least in its destructive potential. (77) There's a major impact on the environment in the distant future. We are on the verge of population explosion. While the population has reached a record high, the resources to meet the increasing population have not increased in the same ratio. On the contrary, we are destroying the limited resources at a rapid peed, and very soon we would have used up all the non-renewable resources totally.Unless we take concrete preventive steps in this direction, the incid ences and the impact of these disasters would only multiply and would seriously affect the lifestyle and standard of living of future generations. It's time for actions. ‘ ‘The further observation that in whatever time is left the corrections will become more and more difficult and the freedom to make them more and more restricted. This heightens the duty to that vigilance Over the beginnings which grants priority to well-?grounded ears over against hopes, even if no less well grounded. (91) We are in the present generation are forewarned about the imminent damage we have been inflicting on our environment and our own health. Future generations will have to bear the dire consequences by the environmental devastation. Such damage poses long-lasting threats that affect the health and wellbeing of future generations. It is about time that we gave thoughtful consideration to protect future generations. It is about time that we rise and speak for the interests of future gener ations, so that they are able to live on a healthy planet. Midterm Exam What went wrong with Saturn? Answer Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of return. Saturn sold cars below the prices of Honda or Toyota, earning a low 3% rate of Question 3 Economic profit is defined as the difference between revenue and . Answer total economic cost Question 4 The primary objective of a for-profit firm is to maximize shareholder value Which of the following will increase (VOW), the shareholder wealth minimization model of the firm: VOW(shares outstanding) = Met=l (n t)/ (l+eke)t + Real Option Value.Answer Decrease the required rate of return (eke). Question 6 O out of 4 points The moral hazard in team production arises from lack of proper assignment of individual tasks a conflict between tactically best interest and one's duty Question 7 will be projects with Answer high risk Question 8 The approximate probability of a value occurring that is greater than one standard deviation from the mean is approximately (assuming a normal distribution) Answer 15. 7% Question 9 coefficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Correct Answer: efficient of variation; standard deviation; expected value Question 10 The level of an economic activity should be increased to the point where the zero.Answer net marginal benefit Question 1 1 is A change in the level of an economic activity is desirable and should be undertaken as long as the marginal benefits exceed the marginal costs Question 12 The standard deviation is appropriate to compare the risk between two investments only if Answer the expected returns from the investments are approximately equal Correct Answer: the expected returns from the investments are approximately equalQuestion 13 Songwriters and composers press music companies to lower the price for music downloads because Answer songwriter royalties are a percentage of sales revenue Question 14 The factor(s) which cause(s) a movement along the demand curve include(s): Answer decrease in price of t he good demanded Question 15 Those goods having a calculated income elasticity that is negative are called: Answer inferior goods An increase in each of the following factors would normally provide a subsequent increase in quantity demanded, except: Answer level of competitor advertisingQuestion 17 Which of the following would tend to make demand INELASTIC? No one really wants the product at all the proportion of the budget spent on the item is very small When demand is a percentage change in is exactly offset by the same percentage change in demanded, the net result being a constant total consumer expenditure.Answer unit elastic; price; quantity Question 19 Auto dealers slash prices at the end of the model year in response to deficient demand/excess inventory but restaurants facing the same problem slash production because Answer rice elasticity of supply in autos is smaller than the absolute value of price elasticity of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants Correct Answer : of demand but the reverse is true for restaurants In regression analysis, the existence of a significant pattern in successive values of the error term constitutes: Answer autocorrelation Question 21 In regression analysis, the existence of a high degree of intercalation among some or all of the explanatory variables in the regression equation constitutes. Midterm Exam For humans it is the potential for long-term maintenance of well-being, which in turn depends on the maintenance of the natural world and natural resources. As the earth's human population has increased, natural ecosystems have declined and changes in the balance of trial cycles have had a negative impact on both humans and other living systems.Paul Hawked provides 1 2 steps towards a sustainable society. First, Hawked argues that state and national governments should reclaim their power to regulate corporations by rewriting and renewing current corporate charters. Second, Hawked agrees that companies and consumers should be forced to include all the environmental and social costs in making, producing, using, and disposing of products in the cost of goods. Third, we should tax the amount of non-renewable resources, the amount of fossil eels, the amount of waste, and the amount of environment destroyed or abused.Fourth, Hawked says that governments should lease companies the right to use and control certain resources such as fisheries, forests. By making these companies' profits dependent on how productive these resources are, they will have a real incentive to protect and even restore these environments to health. Fifth, companies would compete to create industrial design processes in which they greatly reduce their waste. Instead of depending on polluting the environment with their wastes, companies should figure out owe to reduce wastes and actually make them a source of profits.Sixth, consumers would lease the right to use products such as us or cars from companies and the companies are responsible for recycling and disposing of those products when the consumer is done using them. Seventh, here Hawked encourages consumers and citizens to put pressure on their politicians and governments to create and enforce strict environmental, health, and social standards. Eighth, Hawked argues that local, state, and national governments must once again be active overseer s and regulators of corporations and businesses.Currently corporations argue that governments should not interfere in business and disrupt the magic of free enterprise and the market. Ninth, people need to be taught to understand and consider the larger environmental and social impacts of their actions. Fifth public better understand the environmental risks and benefits of their actions, they would have real incentives to take actions that would protect the environment, their health, and the well-being of their society. Tenth, Hawked tells that we need to do local, state, national, and global surveys of the environment and the impact Of our activities on nature.Eleventh, Hawked thinks that environmentalists will only successfully win the support of the poor and Third World peoples if they convince them that such environmental and economic reforms will improve their health and standards of living. Twelfth, Hawked concludes that these economic and environmental reforms cannot be solel y based on economic incentives and profits. These reforms must also be focused on the individual, social, cultural, environmental, and religious benefits of protecting and restoring the environment.Ways of living more sustainable can take many forms. Green building, sustainable agriculture, or sustainable architecture, or using science to develop new technologies, green technologies, renewable energy, to adjustments in individual lifestyles that conserve natural resources. 2. Explain Andrew Dobbin's notion of â€Å"Ecological Citizenship. † Start out with a relevant quote from Dobbin's essay and proceed to explain the terms involved and the overall significance of this notion. Citizenship is being a part of the society.Ecological citizenship is the state, character or behavior of a person viewed as a member of the ecosystem with attendant rights and responsibilities, especially the responsibility to maintain ecological integrity and the right to exist in a healthy environment . From the reading, † Ecological citizenship deals in the currency of non-contractual responsibility, it inhabits the private as well as the public sphere, it refers to the source rather than the nature of responsibility to determine what count as citizenship virtues, it works with the language of virtue, and it is explicitly non-territorial. (89) However, ecological citizenship, like ecologist, moves in radically new directions. As a means to address global unsuitability, citizenship must exist in an entirely different non-territorial political space, and the space in which a redefined citizenship can be located is our individual ecological footprint. In other words, ecological citizenship is an essential prerequisite of a sustainable society. â€Å"The PRI uncial ecological citizenship obligation is ensure that ecological footprint makes a sustainable, rather than an unsustainable, impact. (1 1 8) Ecological citizenship is presented as an example and inflection of post-cosm opolitan citizenship. It is contrasted with environmental citizenship. The idea of ecological footprint is a composite measure, which informs sustainable development, ecological economics and urban studies. It is quickly becoming a very practical tool for measuring human impact on the Earth's resource base. The ecological footprint is presented as the ecological citizenship, it is used to cause and effect that call forth post-cosmopolitan obligations. . Michael Mandates criticizes the practice of â€Å"individualizing responsibility. † Explain what does that mean. Michael Mandates mentioned in his article, † My claim in this chapter is that an accelerating individualizing of responsibility in the United States is narrowing, in dangerous ways, our â€Å"environmental imagination† and undermining our capacity to react effectively to environmental threats to human wellbeing. Those troubled by overcompensation, consumerism, and communication should not and cannot ign ore this narrowing.Confronting the individualizing of responsibility patently undermines. â€Å"(374) The result is to narrow our collective ability to imagine and pursue a variety of productive responses to the environmental problems before us. When responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions, the nature and exercise of political power, or ways of collectively changing the district option of power and influence in society. Many people think that environmental problems are for other people or the government to do something about.But, the environmental issues impact on the quality of life of each and individuals of us, as well as all future generations. Many people also question, â€Å"What difference can I make? † The answer to this is critical: it is the combined impact of everyone's activities which will make a preference, just as democracy only works if enough people take the time and effort to cast their indivi dual votes, which lead to what the majority desire. If everyone takes care of their immediate surroundings and minimizes their own individual resource use, then together these actions will make a difference. . What are the principles Of thought practiced by CEO-Feminism according to Ecological feminism is based on the premise that there Karen J. Warren? Exists a connection between the domination of women the neglect and exploitation of the natural world. According to Karen J. Warren, she gives us a new way of looking and understanding things. She claims that an oppressive conceptual framework is the set of values and attitudes that shape the way in which we look at the world. There exists a characteristic in our oppressive conceptual framework, which is called the logic of domination.Warren's issue isn't so much that this sort of system is used in the framework, but the way in which it is used that ultimately make women inferior. Her point is that this very same framework, which lea ds to the logic of domination, is also used to oppress the natural world. It is a feminism that critiques male bias wherever it occurs in ethics (including environmental ethics) and alms at providing an ethic (including an environmental ethic), which is not male biased-and it does so in a way that satisfies the preliminary boundary conditions of a feminist ethic. (11) Based on her idea, this framework identifies women with nature. Since nature is deemed inferior to man, then women alike are deemed inferior since they are parallel to nature. In conclusion, in order to abolish both the oppression of women and nature this conceptual framework must e abolished. At the end of the chapter she said, â€Å"A re-conceiving and re- visioning of both feminism and environmental ethics, is, I think, the power and promise of coefficients. â€Å"(1 5) Coefficients combines the philosophy of feminism with the principles of ecology and environmental ethics.Coefficients generally claims that the pa triarchal structures of our society are what cause environmental degradation. 6. What is, according to Hans Jonas, the categorical imperative, I. E. The absolute commandment, of our age? Is this an anthropocentric view? Discuss and explain. The main idea of this reading is shown at the beginning, † Care for the future of mankind is the overruling duty of collective human action in the age of a technical civilization that has become ‘almighty,' if not in its productive then at least in its destructive potential. (77) There's a major impact on the environment in the distant future. We are on the verge of population explosion. While the population has reached a record high, the resources to meet the increasing population have not increased in the same ratio. On the contrary, we are destroying the limited resources at a rapid peed, and very soon we would have used up all the non-renewable resources totally.Unless we take concrete preventive steps in this direction, the incid ences and the impact of these disasters would only multiply and would seriously affect the lifestyle and standard of living of future generations. It's time for actions. ‘ ‘The further observation that in whatever time is left the corrections will become more and more difficult and the freedom to make them more and more restricted. This heightens the duty to that vigilance Over the beginnings which grants priority to well-?grounded ears over against hopes, even if no less well grounded. (91) We are in the present generation are forewarned about the imminent damage we have been inflicting on our environment and our own health. Future generations will have to bear the dire consequences by the environmental devastation. Such damage poses long-lasting threats that affect the health and wellbeing of future generations. It is about time that we gave thoughtful consideration to protect future generations. It is about time that we rise and speak for the interests of future gener ations, so that they are able to live on a healthy planet.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Power of Eye Contact

Eye contact and eye expressions are arguably one of the strongest and most intimate forms of non-verbal communication through reading a person’s body language during face-to-face interaction. Eye contact can make or break a job interview or presentation, romantic dates, casual conversations and many other situations. It can show whether a person is feeling sad, happy, confident, excited or scared and so on.Experts say it is unclear whether it is a person’s eyeballs directly portraying the look of certain emotions or if it is the muscles surrounding the eyeball that creates the expression. â€Å"When we make eye contact with another person, we are in some sense giving that person keys to our emotional world† (Ellsberg 6). Research explains that the most distinct expression is the glistening expression of rage in a person’s eyes. It can cause the eyes to become bright, bloodshot and even protruding from the sockets, which Darwin calls an example of serviceab le expression (Ellsberg 15).Serviceable expression is one of the types of principles that Charles Darwin believes is the majority of human body language, the other one being the principle of anti-thesis, which he wrote about in his book The Expressions of Emotions in Man and Animals in 1872. Serviceable expression is natural instinct like reaction that the eyes make to a certain situation. For example, if it is bright or someone is having trouble seeing something, they will squint or if a person is surprised their eyes will widen, making their emotions obvious to others.The other principle is the principle of antithesis which is described by the â€Å"shrug†. This principle is done voluntarily and used to express opposing attitudes. In chapter one of The Power of Eye Contact by Michael Ellsberg, the author explain how many of his friends had a deep, emotional and almost very personal hatred against Bill Clinton, even though they had all never met him. At an event one night, s ome of these friends ended up face-to-face with Clinton and their views of him changed immediately all because of his powerful eye contact.Many say that Bill Clinton not only seduces woman, but everyone he makes eye contact with. He starts off with a handshake and looks deep into the eyes of that person, and when moving on to the next person, he looks back at the previous person â€Å"sealing the deal†. His eye contact is so powerful it can make whoever he is speaking to make them feel as if they are the only two in a room full of people. He can make a person feel that they are almost special to him. Many woman go home afterwards expecting a message r e-mail from Bill because they felt so connected after locking eyes in such a seductive manner. Eye contact is a natural occurrence, though, it is also a skill that can be learned to be improved on in just two weeks, illustrates chapter two. Many people have a fear of eye contact. My own personal experiences proves that some peop le out there are terrified of eye contact with strangers. A few months ago I had been getting work done on my car when the mechanic called me over to speak of some issues and that was when I realized he could not look me in the eyes.He looked everywhere else but at my eyes. When he did make the slightest eye contact with me he immediately looked in the opposite direction like it was an accident or he had did something wrong. It was so bad I could not even focus on what he was saying because I was so confused that maybe something was wrong with him or even the possibility that he might have been blind, that was how bad it was. People may be petrified by eye contact because it makes them feel vulnerable. If they make eye contact with a person then that person maybe be able to tell how they really feel.Some people just want to keep their feelings and emotions to themselves because of the possible risks of being laughed at or embarrassed. Second, others may be afraid of eye contact beca use they have social phobias or anxieties (Ellsberg 36). Psychologists have come up with steps for people to overcome their fear of eye contact. Step one consists of â€Å"eye gazing† with a friend or family member. It consists of sitting a foot or two in front of them and staring them in the eyes in intervals, helping eye contact become more comfortable for you.Next is to walk down a street and look strangers that pass in the eye just long enough to determine their eye color. If the person notices you making eye contact with them, when looking away do not look up or down, but either left or right. If you look down it is perceived as a look of shame or that you are portraying yourself to be a lesser to the other person and that they are better (Ellsberg 40). Step three requires you to hold longer periods of eye contact with strangers like waiters/waitresses or cashiers and clerks to practice making eye contact. Doing this can actually help you and others brighten up your day! Furthermore, the fourth step asks that you make substantial eye contact with family members, friends, co-workers or anyone else you may know. Showing the correct amount of eye contact during conversation shows that the person is actually paying attention to what is being said. Last but not least, take all the skills you have learned and apply them to making substantial eye contact with people you have just met. This can help you develop new experiences with people and a sense of trust with strangers just by making eye contact and reading their expressions.Eye contact is very important when it comes to determining and establishing relationships either with friends or new acquaintances, but it becomes an even more crucial skill when it comes to business, specifically in sales as it is discussed in chapter 5. â€Å"Body language is 80 percent of sales† remarks Victor Cheng, a successful business coach who has been featured on Fox News, MSNBC and even in the Wall Street Journal ( Ellsberg 105). During a business meeting Cheng was excellent at getting answers because he could read the answers to his questions because everyones eye and facial expressions were so obvious.He could read easily whether Jena hated an idea or loved it because her eyes lit right up and posture completely changed. When people say the saying â€Å"I can see it, it’s written all over your face†, this is what they mean. Reading the person is like reading a book because their expressions are so clear. Cheng further explains that eye contact in business helps you understand if the client is trusting and listening to you on the advice or input that’s being given. If eye contact is not made it may be assumed that something may be wrong with the person or that there might be some issues.If a person is trying to sell a product, even if they don’t like it or believe it in, if they act enthusiastic the customer may take that as it’s a good product and buy, thou gh it is hard to fake if its a bad product or service. On the other hand, true enthusiasm and belief in a product or service that is being sold will make it so much easier to sell compared to something that is not of good quality. People can see the difference in the salesperson’s expressions and help complete making the overall sale. When selling something the salesperson also has to be aware of the customers expressions as well.If they are not happy and it is definitely obvious the sale won’t happen, the customer will show overt signs of disinterest such as keeping their arms folded or they are not making eye contact. When making eye contact with a customer you do not want too little eye contact but not too much eye contact. The perfect amount is intermittent. Also, to fully be paying attention, you need to be listening in addition to the eye contact. In a job interview, the person being interviewed is like the product being sold.Good eye contact and expressions must be portrayed along with true interest in the person to be sold. Seeing expressions of confidence, comfort and trust are some of the greatest expressions in a job interview and workplace situation. Chapter 6, How to Wow a Crowd with Eye Contact discusses eye contact in public speaking and presentations. Toastmasters is an organization devoted to helping people learn to perfect public speaking, presentations and communication skills and consists of 250,000 members and 11,000 chapters all throughout the world (Ellsberg 131).Toastmaster holds the Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking yearly where there are many competitions and tests that weeds out the weakest to come to one final winner at the end. For some people, I know myself as well, something like Toastmaster is horrifying, having to perfect public speaking in front of large crowds purely for gruesome competition. Many previous champions stress how eye contact is an extremely important aspect of the competition and a key to becoming the best.The secret to creating the best first impression on the audience through eye contact is when the speaker comes on stage, to stand there for a bit and not begin speaking right away. The speaker gives the audience a chance to get a feel for his or her self and look them in the eyes to make each person there feel that they are â€Å"one† with the speaker when direct eye contact is made. This is called â€Å"relational presence†. It allows the audience to judge and connect with the speaker personally. When you begin to speak, share with the audience how you feel. If you are horribly sick, let them know.They will feel closer with you and understand if your speech isn’t the greatest while having even more respect in the end. If feeling overwhelmed in front of a large crown, Author and Speaker Lee Glickstein recommends breaking down the crowd into smaller groups mentally. This was something he decided to do out of fear and then later learned that many skilled speakers use this technique as well. Furthermore, nowadays many people use multimedia tactics to give presentations such as powerpoint presentations. It is a common habit to read straight off the lides which tends to put the audience to sleep, which is the biggest mistake when it comes to visual presentations. To counteract this problem try using eye contact to keep the audience awake by constantly choosing on people rather than just reading. After learning many different techniques and skills to creating strong and powerful eye contact and avoiding finding fear in those situations, it is not even the lessons we learned that really matter, it is inside you that matters. Making eye contact with people lets them see inside you, read you, and understand your emotions.As hard as someone tries, hiding emotions through their facial and eye expressions is nearly impossible. If a person is sad or uncomfortable with themselves, then they will not feel comfortable creating eye co ntact and allowing other people in to understand if they cannot understand themselves. A person must be comfortable and confident with themselves to create the distinct power in the glares that melts people like Bill Clinton has the capability to do. With a look deep into the eyes of Clinton can seduce even men, who had absolute hatred for him beforehand.One ten second glance and a handshake from Clinton emits enough charisma and strength to change a person’s view on someone they have previously strongly disliked. To have the upmost confidence to give a speech or presentation with strong eye contact, whether being close friends, co-workers or even family, it is most important to have practiced and be comfortable with yourself first. It takes belief and trust in yourself to use the skills and techniques to their maximum. Reference: Ellsberg, Michael. The Power of Eye Contact. New York: HarperCollins. 2010. Print.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The controversy of MLDA PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The controversy of MLDA - PowerPoint Presentation Example However, this paper presents the arguments and statistics put forward by the two sides of the controversy in supporting their claims. The Controversy of MLDA MLDA or the minimum legal age for drinking has been one controversial issue ever since its inception in the 1850s. This controversy arises from the proponents and opponents of either raising or lowering the MLDA. Before establishing the controversy, it is important to examine a brief history of the MLDA. After prohibition ended, many states restricted the access of alcohol by the youth by designating 21 years as the minimum legal age for drinking. However, between the years of 1970 and 1975, about 29 states reduced the MLDA to eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years, (AMA 1). This was a time when the lowest age for activities such as voting was also being reduced. At this time, scientists started studying the impacts of a reduced MLDA, by focusing on motor vehicle accidents, the leading cause death of teenagers. Several such studies indicated that accidents significantly increased among teens when MLDA was reduced. Armed with the facts that a lower age for drinking led to more traffic fatalities and injuries among the youth, citizen advocacy groups piled pressure on states to restore MLDA to 21 years. Indeed, between 1976 and 1983, 16 states increased their drinking age. This was met with resistance from other states amid rising concerns that minors would traverse across state lines in order to purchase and consume liquor. This prompted the federal government to pass the Uniform Drinking Act. Among alcohol policies, MLDA is the most studied, with studies mainly focusing on the effects of either a higher or lower MLDA, (AMA 1). Therefore, MLDA continues to elicit controversy even as all the 50 states have set the MLDA at 21 years, with exceptions existing in different states regarding consumption at home, medical necessity, and under adult supervision among others. So where does the controversy lie? Those who p ropose the reduction in the MLDA from 21 years argue that it has not put a stop to teenage drinking. Instead, it has transferred underage binge drinking into private and less restricted environments, and this has led to increased health and life-threatening behavior by teenagers. For example, while many believe that people who are under the age of 21 years are prohibited from alcohol consumption in the US, underage drinking is permitted in 29 states if it is done on private premises with parental consent, in 25 states if used for religious purposes, and in 7 states of it used for educational purposes. Those who oppose the lowering of the minimum age for drinking argue that teenagers have not yet attained an age where they are capable of responsibly handling alcohol, and hence have a higher likelihood of causing harm and even killing themselves or others by drinking prior to the age of 21. Their perception is that when the lowest age for drinking is increased, the number of traffic f atalities decrease. In fact, research findings tend to support the claims by the people who oppose the lowering of the MLDA. According to the American Medical Association (1), a higher drinking age is successful in curbing alcohol-related deaths and injuries among the youth. When the age is lowered, the death and injury rates increase. When the age is increased, the death and injury rates decrease. This also means that the number of motor vehicle accidents decrease with an increase in drinking age.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Annotations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Annotations - Essay Example The article attempts to drive businesses closer to the social media so as to unleash underlying potentials in the social media. Business communication scholars are urged to include social media in their courses so that exclusive research can be done. Including social media in business communication course may prove to be vital amongst students and industries. Businesses may communicate to their clients and various stakeholders via social media through sharing. Social media is very interactive and booming thus making it the best media for every business to invest in. This article is very relevant especially considering the real increase in and widespread use of social media. It addresses very relevant matter and an issue which can be considered as a current affair. Just like all other articles it dresses an issue regarding business communication. Cheng, S. S., & Seeger, M. W. (2012). Lessons learned from organizational crisis: Business ethics and corporate communication. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(12), 74-86. Retrieved from This article attempts to analyze collapse of HIH Company in Australia which grew so quickly but did not have sufficient tools to support her growth. Sophy and Mathew assert that lack of operational protocols to sustain the organization’s faster growth and that lies and deceptions can deeply injure the image and function of the company. They examined that HIH’s management did not pay much attention to their stakeholders. Communication strategies used by the management during the crisis as it involved a lot of blame game and denial. No one wanted to own the problem especially the executive. It is apparent that the management put their personal interests above the corporate’s interest thereby revealing the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International Transport Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

International Transport Law - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that for anyone who is not familiar with the particularities of international transport law, it may appear strange that it is important to distinguish between the varied modes of transport and establishing laws or regulations. Â  In fact, the peculiarity presented by the contract of carriage is slightly overshadowed by specific legal regimes applicable only to some modes of transport. Similarly, the mandatory rules or regulations of liability have been restricted to matters relating to the carriage such as liability for damage or loss of the goods. It also concerns liability for delay in delivery of goods leaving out issues and matters of greater importance for the end users, such as shipment delay, the failure to perform contractual obligations as well as the right of remuneration for carriers. Conventionally, particular legal regimes, relevant to varied modes of transport, have resulted in some problems in the transport sector. While at the beginning clients would be contented to conclude a particular contract of carriage by ship, air, road, or rail, it is currently owing to the advancement of international carriage of goods, often inappropriate, whether one mode or usage of different modes to move the goods from point to another is used. Therefore, a client may be contented to conclude an agreement where there is an unspecified mode of transport. In this case, it has to be considered whether the contract will have to be carriage sui generis or international convention will have to apply.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Effective Note Taking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effective Note Taking - Essay Example den insights and realizations that may have been experienced on the moment might add more important supporting information in one’s research content. In taking down notes effectively, one must always be observant to the factors being analyzed by physical experience or the empirical perception; while at the same time have room for a degree of introspective intuition. It is important in any research work to write down all findings and observations besides gathering references. Sometimes, the personal insights of the researcher would prove to have very valuable point of view. Any bit of data or information related to the topic would be of much aid to the research. Taking down a whole lot of notes may be helpful, but it is also important to analyze one’s findings. Not all personal insights may prove to be helpful enough towards the research work. All notes should be skimmed and analyzed first before being placed in synthesis with the research content. Only until one’s notes have been sorted, the relevant notes can be then placed in the research

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Correctional Institution, Criminology major Essay

Correctional Institution, Criminology major - Essay Example Among them is â€Å"protection from cruel and unusual punishment, including sexual harassment and other sex crimes† (Jacobson 118). To discourage sexual abuse in a prison facility, a correctional manager could take some steps by efficiently using the limited resources at their disposal which may include increasing time deducted on sentences for good behavior. This would encourage prisoners to adhere to prison rules with the hope of early release. The prison manager should practice wise deployment of staff taking in consideration the vulnerable locations and high risk times. Rape is a violent crime, therefore, stopping violent activities reduces chances of rape occurring. A correctional manager should endeavor to stop prison gang membership, activity or recruitment. These gangs encourage violent behaviors and operate on codes of silence. The correctional manager should also develop effective institutional policies and processes. These should provide guidelines on what is to be done in case abuse is reported, suspected, found happening or proven. These policies and procedures should instruct on how to deal with of fenders and victims. They should guarantee swift action and protection for the victim. The correctional manager should also encourage programs that prepare prisoners to live a contributing and law-abiding life after incarceration. These programs may incorporate activities that put the prisoners in controlled contact with the free world. This gives them a hint of free life and encourages them to adhere to rules to avoid longer incarceration and pursue early parole. Rape and other sex crimes in prisons occur due to many reasons. Facilities where prisoners are over-crowded have higher incidences of sexual abuse (Freedman 89). Understaffing of correctional facilities makes it hard to monitor prisoners’ activities. This creates space for indulgence in illegal and unethical

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Quality Nursing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Quality Nursing Care - Essay Example She was Madeleine Leininger who was among the first graduate to gain doctorate degree in anthropology and she thought to add new dimension to nursing by introducing culture relevant caring technique which was introduced as a concept and later mature into a specialized domain in nursing and known to be as transcultural nursing. "A substantive area of study and practice focused on comparative cultural care (caring) values, beliefs and practices of individuals or groups of similar or different cultures. Transcultural nursling's goal is to provide culture specific and universal nursing care practices for the health and well-being of people or to help them face unfavorable human conditions, illness or death in culturally meaningful ways" Culture and care has been associated in nursing in transcultural setting where care is provided with accordance to person's culture. Care according to Leininger is termed as a powerful and dynamic force to understand the totality of human behavior in health and sickness (p 2). According to Leininger "Caring is also attributed to actions, attitudes and practices to assist or help others toward healing and wellbeing" (p 5) Culture on the other hand is the "broadest, most comprehensive, holistic and universal feature of human being which comprises of the learned, shared, and transmitted values, beliefs, norms, and life ways of a particular culture that guides thinking, decisions, and actions in patterned ways and often intergenerationally" (Leininger, p 6). Leininger thought that having no cultural knowledge was affecting the quality of nursing actions and decisions. So nursing in transcultural setting is reliant on the knowledge about the patient's culture and cultural attributes. Transcultural nurses are train to work in diverse culture and to identify unknown or misunderstood cultures factors and influencers which affect caring actions and decisions. Sharon Murphy quotes that transcultural studies comprises of care symbol, expressions and meanings and their research is basically studying cultural care and health concern. Leininger also presented a theory called as "The Culture Care Theory". This theory presented the interdependency between culture and care and emphasized that culture relevant care helps to improve the helping technique use to facilitate patient in the course of their recovery. Some major construct of Leininger's theory are firstly the interdependency between culture and care, secondly the theories and models are unknown blurred truth and expressions in a culture and are pictorial diagram showing some concept but lack the relationship among them respectively. Thirdly the theory is open to discovery of unknown ideas previously unknown or indistinctive related to cultural care experience of human health and welfare. Fourthly the theory encourages ascertaining various aspect of culture and care in naturalistic manner in similar or different environmental context. Fifth is a new technique of discovery such cultural values and expressions which is Ethnonursing method and it is define by Leininger as "an

The Press and Presidential Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Press and Presidential Politics - Essay Example With an indication of a descriptively "too close to call" presidential election according to a majority of opinion polls, focus shifted on the effect of a tiny fraction of the voters conceivably vital for both camps: the undecided electorates. Evident from the strategic positioning of both candidates in the final stretch, these were indeed the folks with the power to ether re-elect President Barack Obama or to elevate former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to the highest office on the hill. From the oscillating manner of polls up to the very last minutes, there was no doubt whatsoever that the key to unlock the answer to the United States’ stewardship over the next four years was firmly in the hands of these â€Å"special voters†. The question, however, was how to these groups could possibly be REACHED. This paper analyses the effectiveness of New York Times’ and the Wall Street Journal’s news coverage with regard to how explicit they were in informing the undecided voters about the candidates and what they stood for over the final 10 days of the 2012 presidential campaign. From the beginning, the two camps projected different theories of the race to the public—from Romney, the 2012 election was precisely a referendum on Obama’s unpopular administrative style; to Obama, it was all about comparative choice between slipping back to extreme conservatism, which was rather unpalatable to women and the young elite, and moving forward with the regime’s reform agenda. Surprisingly enough, the 2012 election was about arguments advanced by both sides, and the message appeared to have sunk well on both camps in the final days: a challenger seeking to oust an incumbent making a case for himself and the incumbent seeking to convince voters that the alternative would be much worse. Contrary to the 2008’s message of hope that attracted comparatively much enthusiasm and support, Obama found himself in the traditional p osture of an incumbent under siege—a wiser fighter with experience, not the hitherto conciliator. With the polls oscillating between a possible tie and a negligible win with an error of a striking distance for both candidates, the undecided voters became a fertile ground for both camps to make their final appeals. The "undecided voter" was no longer unavoidable in the final days’ coverage of the campaign preceding the 2012 US presidential election with both candidates fashioning their appeals to woo a winning support on their sides. Avowedly, there were high odds that the undecided women and young elites in general, probably without jobs, will waffle before cameras when confronted with a very simple, but hitherto difficult, straightforward question: Whom will you vote for on the November 6th?  Although the exact number and place of residence of the "uncommitted voter" population were rather unknown, a single type of voter, presented by a diverse number of news outlet s as comprising of young, lightly educated, lower income and white women, was enough representation of the electorates "on the fence" whose influence could not be taken for granted. Noteworthy, the demographics mentioned herein is not inclusive and conceivably overlooks a huge number unsure of which candidate they

Friday, August 23, 2019

Othello by Lawrence Fishburne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Othello by Lawrence Fishburne - Essay Example Through Iago, Shakespeare reveals his remarkable understanding of the human psyche. The villain's cold manipulation of the key players in the script like so many puppets on strings chills one to the bone. Iago uses the technique of psychological suggestion to bring about the downfall of Othello. All the characters are merely pawns in Iago's deadly mental game. Everyone calls him "Honest Iago" and no one is wise to the rot in his character. Outwardly Iago shuns violence and plays the peacemaker while in reality he is usually the catalyst responsible for setting off cataclysmic bouts of violence. He passionately refutes dark suspicions which nobody would have entertained if he had not suggested it in the first place. He exploits individual weaknesses, and appeals to the dark side in human nature skillfully undoing the restraining bonds of conscience and decency and finally unleashing the beast that is an integral part of every individual. In this manner Iago goes about bringing his mon strous plot to fruition and plays a direct role in the death of the lovers. Shakespeare's genius lies in his ability to use his understanding of human psychology in the creation of his perfect villain, Iago. It is this feat which raises the text to the lofty realms of brilliance. The work evoked myriad emotions in this writer, pity, anger and a grudging admiration for the machinations of the villainous Iago.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Valentine’s Day Essay Example for Free

Valentine’s Day Essay Valentine day to me is a day full of love. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a partner to share it with ,there people in your life that LOVE you like your mom, dad , brother , sister , uncle, aunt ,friends you have someone that LOVE you. And people you LOVE , we all live busy life forget sometime to really show someone or some people that you truly love them not because you don’t want to, its just life can go by so fast it good to have at least one day to stop think spread LOVE. You don’t have to buy anything special flower , candy , teddy bear etc using your voice to say a simply i LOVE you how much you are thankful to have them in your life there LOVE. Flowers always die , Candy gets eaten , teddy bear soon get in the way are thrown away but the words you said are remember kept in mind. Words are so powerful. So don’t stress on getting the perfect gift if you truly love this person they love you just as much all you need is each other , don’t stress if you don’t have a valentine or a boyfriend or girlfriend you could celebrate this day of LOVE with just about anyone you LOVE. The common saying is why don’t you show this person LOVE everyday why it has to be on valentine day , i understand that you should do that well at least make sure you say i love you cause you never know if that be the last time you could, were only human and tend to forget things get over whelm with LIFE. I am sure you forget to show people how much you love them to the fullest everyday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluation of Healthcare Practice

Evaluation of Healthcare Practice Lauren Lovett   In this portfolio the author will talk about the work practice organisation in terms of status and size in relation to the Irish economy and the world economy if it is applicable. The author will also summarize the work practice organisations structure, main aims and overall objectives. They will determine the organisations culture and values as demonstrated by the management practice and staff client engagement. The author will touch on the key factors that impact on the work practice organisation and give a review on the impact of relevant government policy on the work practice organisation. Another thing the author will do is to assess id social or ethical issues have affected the work practice organisation or may impact in the future, they will also comment on any impact to the work practice organisation in relation to economic and population shifts. Health safety and welfare as well as employment and equality were also covered. The author also explained the internal and the external policies. Portfolio The work place that the author done their experience in was in Saggart, Co. Dublin, the facility itself was very beautiful and well kept. There were 62 beds in the nursing home and two double rooms for couples. The nursing home is a private residential setting and it deals mainly with end of life care and the social understanding of clients, It is a highly recommended nursing home. This nursing home differs from other nursing homes because it is private, meaning that it is more expensive but the quality of care in the authors opinion is more evident as it is a small enough facility. The nursing home is a two story building that includes two dining rooms. There are 42 bedrooms downstairs and the rest of the bedrooms are upstairs, the bedrooms that are upstairs are mainly to accommodate people who have life limiting illnesses. Each bedroom in the nursing home has its own private bathroom so that the clients can feel at home, the bedrooms are quite big and they consist of a bed, bedside table, locker and a wardrobe. The clients also have safes in their bedroom if they would like to put anything in just so that they can feel safer in the environment.   In comparison to other private nursing homes the author feels as though it is an amazing facility as it is only a year open. From research the author has found there to be many problems with other private nursing homes according to the HIQA reports, the author also got information from their peers regarding the quality of care that was being delivered in the nursing homes that they were doing their work practic e in and the author feels as though the nursing home they have been doing their work practice in has a lot more to offer. The private sector is not a very large part o the community in Ireland and people would be much more inclined to go public regarding their healthcare as it is cheaper and the finances are managed by the government instead of just one person or a number of people controlling all of the finances. The author thinks that the public would benefit more from the private sector, although more expensive. There are many different reasons from this but the main one being the quality of care that is given, and being able to be a part of an organisation that can make their own decisions regarding the welfare of their company. The nursing homes support scheme is a way that the funding can be helped for people who need long term care in a nursing home and it allows them to go private and the government will fund the cost, although it is not an easy list to get on the author thinks that it is a great improvement. To be a HCA you need the equivalent of a QQI level 5 in healthcare, this entails having 8 modules completed successfully as well as having manual handling, first aid, end of life care and patient handling courses completed. Most nursing homes/ hospitals may ask that more qualifications be acquired, for example training in dementia. Portfolio The nursing home the author completed their work experience in had their own personalised mission statement. The ethos at Millbrook manor nursing home is to provide our residents with the highest level of quality of life that is achievable. The nursing home makes it very clear that respect and dignity are the most important things that they have to offer and they make it clear that each client will be treated as a member of their own family would be. The nursing home is committed to working closely with each and every resident, and ensuring that their individual needs are met. The ideal situation would be to create an environment that feels just like home within a safe environment. They focus on promoting the independence of their residence, personally, medically, psychologically, socially and spiritually by continuing to lead their own everyday life within their own capabilities. Our values What we do is important. We respect, support and strive to improve the communities we serve. We are honest, fair and ethical in everything we do. We recognise and appreciate the individual in all of our residents and staff. We accept responsibility for our actions. We make life and work meaningful and enjoyable for all. Portfolio Evaluate the impact of globalisation and new technology and science on the work practice organisation. Globalisation in the nursing home is a massive thing, there are many different cultures that are mixed into the one community and although some residents are traditional and do not agree with this there has never been a problem regarding the social acceptance or treatment as both residents and staff and mixed cultures. The service that is provided in the nursing home is provided in other places around the world that would accommodate for Irish people Technology is progressing very fast within the healthcare community, in nursing homes there is now a system app called V-care which allows the staff to click into profiles of each client and tick in boxes to ensure that they have been assisted. This has also helped with the time frame that healthcare professionals have to keep to within work, it has helped with deadlines and it also allows other carers to see if a person has been assisted or not. In the nursing home that the author was completing their work experience in they did not hear of any new scientific advancement. The impact that the recent recession has not really impacted the nursing home at all in relation to funds as it is not on a public sector, there are also schemes in place to allow for the clients to be able to afford a bedroom in the nursing home, despite the recession it was agreed that these funds would not be cut at all. The government, although reluctant to fund any schemes that may involve the private healthcare sector. There are multi nationalities as part of the staff as well as the clients, Most of the staff in the work place are from another culture or have different religious view than some of the patients, this does not seem to cause any problems as the staff respect the wishes of the patients and vice versa. Discrimination is not a problem within the work place as everybody respects each other and the main purpose of the nursing home is to show respect and promote social interaction, this helps with a lot of patients who may not enjoy company of others as it is required that they be up and not in bed all day, this does not help the patients in any way. Portfolio The point of health and safety is to ensure that; Secures improve the safety, health and welfare of people at work. The requirements for the control of safety are met and reached within the work place. The people in charge (management) ensure that everything possible is done to achieve solutions and that the regulations are met. The roles and responsibilities of employers and employees are regarded as proper. Safety statements are statements that are to be filled out, they must list all of the control measure that are to be taken and how to avoid hazards, the people who are responsible for implementing and maintaining these measures must be named. It must also contain plans to deal with emergencies or serious/imminent risk cases, the HCA must also list the names of each of the safety representatives. Conclusion In this portfolio the author has talked about the work practice organisation in terms of status and size in relation to the Irish economy. The author has also summarised the work practice organisations structure, main aims and their overall objectives. They will determine the organisations culture and values as demonstrated by the management practice and staff client engagement. The author has touched on the key factors that impact on the work practice organisation and gave a review on the impact of relevant government policy on the work practice organisation. Another thing the author has done is assess if the social or ethical issues have affected the work practice organisation or may impact in the future, they have also commented on any impact to the work practice organisation in relation to economic and population shifts. Health safety and welfare at work as well as employment equality were also covered. The author has also explained the internal and the external policies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Democracy And The Development In Uganda Politics Essay

Democracy And The Development In Uganda Politics Essay The topic of Presentation, is solicited and linked by the presenter, to a variety of suggested development topics, which bear profound concern and relevance to the concept of holistic human development, based on un diluted Democratic Governance. Holistic Development in general, as duly embracing the social and economic growth, in relation to developing countries, such as Uganda, bears a significant brotherhood, as well impacting relationship to undiluted democracy, where it is taken and emphasized as an inevitable basis and root of holistic human development. The selected topic of Democracy and Development significantly connote as well imply that democracy, in an un diluted form is an inevitable basis of holistic human corporate development and that such development should be rooted in the attributes of good, accountable, transparent, as well selfless positive democratic governance of a people. It is, therefore, to be noted that the functional practice and presence of democracy, or the profound lack of it, or presence of the same, in diluted unconventional forms and content, in a developing country, such as Uganda, in the defined aspects of human corporate, political, social and even cultural endeavors, does also connote, as well imply a negative reversal of that development, whatever it may be. It is to be noted further, that holistic development denotes as well as implies the physical and spiritual growth of holistic human endeavors and efforts, in the inevitable context of good democratic corporate governance of a people. This means that human beings, duly struggle and work for holistic development, as well as ensuing growth, in both the physical and spiritual worlds, as the governance and leadership structures, the implementation of such structures, their functional lay outs, practices and operations, as well as leadership styles, are democratic and rooted in undiluted democracy for democratic institutions, of democratic orientation and setting. Note the rationalization as duly enunciated and amplified above, is quite perceivable in Uganda, as an African country, within the prescribed scenario of a developing world, (call it underdeveloped for some relative emphasis). The researcher and writer of the concept paper, is a Ugandan, working and coming from Uganda, for which the full paper of presentation, shall demonstrate and amplify, for international consumption, understanding, analysis, appraisal, evaluation, in addition to taking cognizance of the inherent concepts of diluted democracy, as impacting human holistic development, in a particular emphasis to Uganda. 2.0 THE BACKGROUND 2.1 The Recent Historical Perspective: Since 1986, Uganda (located in the East African interland), has made acclaimed substantial progress, in promoting good governance, at the political, economic, social and even cultural fronts of Uganda. The country, has been officially and widely acknowledged, as sustaining a positive economic development and growth, which, in the statistical opinion and assessment of the view perpetuators, averages 6%, over the recent one and half decades, the country having progressively, moved from mere economic recovery stage and reconstruction status, towards a substantial sustainable economic development and progressive growth, targeting a massive poverty reduction from among the grassroots population. It is being further stated that Ugandas Macro economic stability much as it is progressively and positively improving, remains a major area of the countrys grassroot focused reforms and development efforts, for the express purposes of wider resource allocation. Indeed, Ugandas fiscal and monetary restraints, as coupled with the attributes of prudent and fugal monetary management and administration, has appropriately and inevitably, supported the countrys robust economic development and systematic growth, and has, consequently, forestalled, over and above contained the hyper inflation, to a single digit level, over most of the one and half decades of the prospective periodic review. Nevertheless, according to the official statistics, the proportion of Ugandans, as defined and prescribed, as living in absolute poverty, did over the period of economic review, accordingly decline from 56% to 35%. It has been officially further highlighted that, the per capita income gains, between the years 1992 2005/6 were quite modest, allegedly because of the countrys high population growth rate at 3.4 per 1000 people. The same has remained so. It has been further stated, that significant challenges are poised, for the economic attainments, as stated and highlighted, in the acknowledgement reports of international nature for Ugandas economic and even political appraisal. These, among others, include: The setting up of sustainable fight and impactive mitigations of abject poverty, at grassroot levels. Putting up impacting measures if mitigating high level economically retrogressive corruption which is endemic in the countrys top and middle level leaders. Resolving the political and military conflict in the Northern Region of the country, which has persisted, for over two (2) decades. Addressing others, but not duly specified subterranean forces which hamper, as well as derail the countrys democratization process and positive economic development of sustainable growth, as already highlighted. All in all, Ugandas political, social and economic development, is duly linked up with improvement in democracy and democratic governance, of the country, if all things, and the political will associated thereto, and the systems and practices established for the due installation of an undiluted democratic dispensation, were not merely cosmetic and inherently, distracted by the countrys leadership. 2.2 The Instruments and Measures to Address the Development Dimension, but Rife with Diluted Democracy. This is to be properly demonstrated and amplified in the paper as follows: 2.2 (1) Diluted Democracy and Misguided Political Governance One has to note inter alia that Uganda, as an independent country and nation of colonial creation has became of diluted democracy and misguided political governance; went through a tumultuous checkered political history, since the attainment of independence and standing, as a new country in the year 1962. The country has gone full circle from assumed parliamentary form of diluted democracy, to the years of full vetted and sporadic concealed military benevolent dictatorship of quasi civilian rule, of tactic political cajoling, to the present day. The short lived burst of apparent prospective political enthusiasm; to independence, and soon after it, was soon replaced by a long, almost unremitting period of near despair and disappointment, up to 1986, when Yoweri K. Museveni, of presumed liberator NRM and an accomplished disciple of diluted democracy syndicate took over state power by force of arms. In the minds of many democratic foresighted Ugandans, this was in essence, not different from the 1966 Crisis, where the consensus ridden, and generally accepted independence constitution of the country, was violently overthrown and abrogated by similar force of arms by benevolent dictatorship of the Late Milton Obote. He did this, in his capacity as second Executive Prime Minister of the Country, after Uganda had become internally self governing in March 1961. However, the distinguishing political feature between the Museveni and NRM Military take over, of power in 1986, and the Obotes UPC take over of power, after abrogating the 1962 Constitution, was that in 1980 a Uganda grassroot peoples mandate, to govern the country, had been violently infringed and violated by a massively rigged general elections, which brought back Obote, to power, for yet another time, after his first violent overthrow from power by General Idd Amin in 1971. The inherent advocacy and justification of the Musevenis NRMs take over of Government by force of arms, was, therefore, made on the commensurate pretext, that there had been massive rigging of national elections by Obote, and his UPC party, in December, 1980, and that there had been fragrant dictatorial misrule of the country, by Obote and his party, which provided Museveni, with a blank Cheque of governance, in Uganda, after the military take over of power, in January, 1986.. It is, therefore, to be noted here, that since the year 1966, to the present day, despite the positive and inherently appreciable Museveni and NRM cosmetic democratic innovations, as well as plausible features, of due reliance to the military, rather than the established democratic institutions, to govern, has over the time, persisted in Uganda. Hence the assertion that the army, has to be represented, as an organ of state, in the Parliament of Uganda, a prerogative of civilian rule and governance, in well oriented democratic states of the world. Therefore, with diluted democracy in Uganda, at the centre stage, the country, has been characterized by civil wars; repressive governance policies, as well as statute laws of mere political expedience; a war monger governance style; a persistent refugee influx; and to big extent, a reversal and retrogression of would be attained social and economic gains, as presumably having been acquired, in the positive wake of the rather cosmetic democratic systems; which unfortunately have duly and inadvertently, persuaded committed and uncommitted political observers both locally and internationally. The negative impact of the political, social, economic and even cultural instability and overlapping political confusion, brought about as a result, is destined to leave a lot of deep scars in the general fabric of the country, for many years to come, across the countrys political and social spectrum. Nevertheless, there are, as it were, undeniable overt development, since Museveni and NRM captured state power in Uganda in year 1986. It is also to be noted that the progressively concealed military regime change in 1986 was incidentally hailed locally, most especially in the countrys central region of Buganda and even across the globe. The regime brought relative peace and security in those areas, of the country, where it was not resisted, for obvious reasons. While one part of the country, was at war with the regime, for now over 20 years, the part not at war, got the economy of Uganda, partially and somewhat rejuvenated as well as resuscitated, under the mistaken guise that the whole country was not at war. The regime, has to some debatable extent, safeguarded the conventionally accepted principles of human liberties, through selected and guided promotions of relative press freedom, allowing some form of multiparty political dispensation, while limiting the fundamental freedoms of assembly and also did selectively, put an end to the fragrant open human rights abuses, as exercising appreciable controls over the army, from being an arm of repressive tact political abuses, and to progressively make the same an apparently friendly organ of the civilian population, which was not the case before, for any of the past Government regimes of post independent Uganda. However, amidst these fairly positive attributes and apparent overt achievements, Uganda faces a momental task, as well a challenge for establishing and nursing, as well as fostering visible and feasible functioning democratic institutions, which shall be beyond the whims and outright undemocratic dictates of incumbent Executive Presidents of the country. 3.0 WHAT HAS DODGED THE CURRENT UGANDAN GOVERNMENT IN INSTITUTING DURABLE DEMOCRACY FOR DEVELOPMENT IN UGANDA This is to be the major subject of address and presentation by a fully indented paper on Democracy and Development in Uganda. 3.1 The Paper Objectives The Key Objectives for the paper therefore shall be: 3.1.1 Objective One: To outline the brief events of thwarted democracy in Uganda, which has resulted in the checkered post independence history of the country, which has bred overt and covert military dictatorships. 3.1.2 Objective Two To state and demonstrate the profound failings, as well as shortcomings of Ugandas post independence dictatorial Government regimes including the NRM, in entrenching undiluted democracy which is the root and sound sanctuary of holistic genuine corporate development of the country. Objective Three To show why despite the apparently commendable progress in putting in place a plethora of regulatory institutions, policies, a constitution and statutory laws for building and establishing a democratic state of Uganda, there is unfortunately a looming and impending political catastrophe which might reverse and retrogress all apparent economic, political and even social gains, if nothing is done to forestall the same genuinely. 3.1.4 Objective Four To illustrate a lack of genuine commitment and political patriotic will to mitigate and fight the rate of high level corruption, which duly impacts democracy and holistic development, in Uganda. 3.1.5 Objective Five To demonstrate, as well as show that Museveni and the NRM duly displayed undiluted democratic tendencies and practices from the beginning, up to the 12th year of his rule in Uganda. It is in these years, that the country did genuinely develop and built the impetus that has pushed the NRM regime, to live up to the present day, albeit the diminishing fortunes, arising out of the incessant repressiveness overtime. 4.0 CONCLUSION By the end of the paper presentation, it is hereby envisaged and anticipated that the presentation, as envisioned, by this concept note, shall lead to an international understanding, appraisal and evaluation of the democratic and developmental overtures, in Uganda, to lead to an appreciation of functions, innovations of fitting approaches and their due rationalization, in a Ugandan African context of congenial democratic development.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Petrified Petrarch Essay -- Petrarchian Sonnet Essays

Petrified Petrarch Two hundred years had passed between the sonnets of Petrarch and the reign of Queen Elizabeth. As a form and structure for poetic life, the sonnet had grown hard. Fourteen lines of rhymed iambic pentameter remained pregnant with possibilities and vitality, but must the sense turn after the octave and resolve in the sestet? Love remained in some ways inexpressible without this basic verse form, but something wasn’t right. Too many rose red lips and too much snow white skin belonging to unattainable lovers did not communicate the prevailing amorous imagination. The conventions were a little too conventional. The metaphors were gone somewhat stale. The Reformation had intervened between the Italian Renaissance and her English counterpart. The Petrarchan sonnet was informed by a Catholic Christianity that adored virginity. Thus it was the longing for the unattainable that raised the lover closer to God. The Elizabethan sonnet in many cases reflected the Protestant’s high view of married love, the consummation of which was the metaphor for the relationship between Christ and His Church. The beginnings of sonnets tended to establish a place for the poem within the Petrarchan tradition, and the endings to emphasize their divergence from that tradition. In this way then the beginnings and endings of sonnets works to define the Love/hate relationship of the Elizabethan poet with Petrarch. Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542), a contemporary of Martin Luther and Henry VIII, first introduced Petrarchan love poetry into England. He was a frequent imitator of the foreign model and many of his sonnets are almost literal translations of the Italian. Wyatt felt no obligation to confine himself to the strict Italian form in ... ...e sestet gives the impression that the poet/lover adores her voice in spite of the fact that it’s less pleasing than music, and that she surpasses any goddess or angel in her merely human beauties and the approachability of her common creature hood. The concluding couplet frees twentieth century women from feeling they need to look like a Barbie doll. True affection loves you the way you are. Knowing I too get bad breath and walk on solid ground, I am glad my husband shares Shakespeare’s attitude. Works Cited Jordan, Constance and Carroll, Clare editors. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., New York, 1999 Maclean, Hugh and Prescott, Anne Lake editors. Edmund Spenser’s Poetry. W.W. Norton and Company, New York, 1968 Wilson, John Dover. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press, London, 1980